2022 Cycling Season

 Back in the 60's when I was in high school, 2022 seemed like an impossibly long time to even contemplate -- and now here we are

Never really considered being 70+ years old either

Looking at a medical report at one point -- it stated "70 year old male"

I wondered, who the hell is that???   Oh!  Thats ME!!

On to the '22 season:

Most of the cycling was done on 4 bicycles -- the Le Tour, Diamond Back, and 2 twin Raleigh Olympians

The Huffy did see some road time but pretty limited

Most of the days not ridden were in January and February with a smattering of others days throughout the year for a variety of reasons

I like to ride all of the bicycles but it seems the Raleigh is the most often chosen

Don't really know why, other than it was usually the one pumped up and packed up.

Most of the riding was in or around town on various routes on township roads

Some of the memorable long rides follow

:River to Rail Ride

Kennekuk Park

Kickapoo Rail Trail

Kickapoo Park

Ride along the western side of Kickapoo Park
Nice change from constant corn and bean fields -- view blockers not withstanding  😄


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