River to Rail Ride


Raleigh packed and ready to go!

September 10, 2022

Rich 70's Dave 80's and Dwight 90's set out on a 30 mile out and back route

Will be joined by Dwight's son Bud at Kennekuk Park

Loading Dwight's ride

Assembling bicycles

Later found around 130 riders participated

Dwight's son joins the ride
He is a retired minister
Rich reminds self to be on his better behavior

On the way out of Kennekuk Park

Wooded area on the way to Kickapoo Park

Barn and Weeping Willow tree

Beautiful day for a ride

Entering Kickapoo Park

Typical scene in Kickapoo

Yes, there was some "Cross Training" involved

Approach to the trestle on the Rail Trail

 Jakes Aerial Photos Oakwood, IL

Rail Trail continues west to Oakwood, Illinois

Emerges back into agricultural land

Rest Stop Oakwood, Illinois

Snacks and fluids available

Thank you Volunteers!

Heading back east on the Out and Back route

Short stop before the ride back to Kennekuk

Flat road after one very steep climb out of a ravine
Cross Training for sure -- like walking up a steep roof
Rich fell off the good behavior wagon remarking "that really kicked our a**!"
Oooops  sorry Rev!

Break at the mountain bike trail head

We were taking a break after the steep slope and several miles of gradual climb after that

Heading west

Entering Kennekuk Park


Dave Dwight and son Bud enjoy a box chicken lunch

Kennekuk has a restored vintage village

All in all, we had a great time and a great ride

All bicycles performed flawlessly as did the Dodge pickup which has been known to be troublesome

Minor casualty when Dave stalled on a slope and toppled over

We all agreed the 63 mile route would have been a bit much!  😅

Thank you Dave!  Thank you Dwight and Bud!,  Thank you Dodge truck!

A day that will be long remembered


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