Kennekuk County Park

 With Dwight and Dave

Absolutely perfect day

Dave and Dwight preparing to ride

General scenes follow

Poison Ivy climbing the tree trunk

Trying to ID those white flowers --- Snakeroot????

Dwight's Polygon

Just on the other side of the building is Lorrence Pioneer Cemetery
Thoughts of peaceful repose as we rode by

The Dam across Windfall Creek creating the lake
Artifacts of the Kickapoo people were discovered during construction

Glacially polished and flattened boulder holds a plate commemorating Lake Mingo

Lake Mingo

Leaving the Lake Overlook

Mallard Point

Bank of the Middle Fork exposing loess at the top and possibly two glacial till members below

D/D conferring:   Why did we let Rich lead this??

Hike and Bike only gravel road back to White Oak Barn

That question would be confirmed shortly as we had to climb a steep slope with cobble sized gravel

Education Center
For a cool million dollars someone gets to name it

Dwight rolling back to the truck

Loaded up and homeward bound  😢

Lets go Again!
Can we huh?  huh?  huh??  Can we huh????

5 Star ride with excellent companions!!
(Except for that one guy)

Except for us Northen Hemisphere-ites  



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