Some Favorite Quotes

"The whole thing is, as it has always been, the control of the minds of people"

(Paraphrased from Preston James --  'The Wide World a Geography')

"Give me some 18 and 19 year olds and I'll have them believing anything I want them to believe"

(Educator 1970's)

"Don't believe anything you hear, and very little of what you see"

(Service station customer)

'You would be surprised by how little time others spend thinking about you"

(Dr. Phil)

"If you don't like listening to this radio station, find one you do like and listen to it"

(Dave Baum WIND radio) 

"Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often and for the same reason"

(Robin Williams -- "Man of the Year" movie)

"You know?  When you come down to it -- no one really gives a shit"

(Athletic Director at a Central Illinois High School)

{Codicil:  True for many if not most, but not all)

"There a'int nobody gonna tell ya the truth"

(customer at the service station)

"The only thing laws do is keep the honest people honest"

(Boss at service station)

"When it comes to business you don't have any friends"

(Boss at sevice station)

'If we knew then what we know now, we would have picked our own damn cotton"

(some guy in Texas)

"You have any idea what the hell you are getting into?"

(Future father in law's advice to me)

"There were a helluva lot of things they didn't tell me when I signed on with this outfit"

(Disgusted looking cowboy portrait caption)

"They will turn on ya like a snake"

(body shop technician)

"There ain't nothin' easy"

(Carpenter helping put hinges on a garage door)

"Either Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell out of the way"

(Posted in an auto parts store)

"You have to draw the line somewhere, so you may as well draw the sonofabitch HERE rather than down there"

(Superintendent of Schools)

"There are people who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those that don't know what the hell happened"

(A Nony Mous???)

And the most favorite of them all:

College room mate was center on the football team, obviously big and strong, and a no nonsense kind of guy.

As I sat at my desk (studying --> very doubtful)  I heard him rustling around at his closet apparently trying to get a shirt untangled

An enormous crash and the closet doors going flying across the room along with various items of clothing.

He turns to me and says:

 "Well Rich, you can only fuck around so long and then you have got to get tough"


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