Kickapoo Rained Out

 The best made plans as they say . . . .

Rain was predicted for this morning but was supposed to be clear of the area by now
Obviously, it wasn't
CT was tucked away in the back of the Edge where unfortunately it would remain

Blurry photo of a stop sign on the Middlefork Riveri
I guess canoes and tubes are to not go beyond this point???

Grassy weeds and view blockers --- what a relief it is from corn and bean fields

THAT is not a bicycle, it is a Ford Edge with a Schwinn inside

Cypress trees -- had no idea they were this far north in Illinois

High Wall of a former coal strip

Very deep pond in a former coal strip

Blue flowers

Same pond different view direction

No turtles on the log today

Viewing dock and bench

Pond scum and evidence of someone who puts the W in Recreation

22 million acres of prairie then down to 2500 acres of natural prairie today
But -- we raise a hell of a lot of corn and soybeans  ;)

View from a shelter waiting out the rain
More pretty flowers

Inland Sea through the trees

Raindrops on oak leaves

Hiking rrail

Inland Sea and boat ramp

Now that it is time to leave, of course the sun begins to break through


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