365 June Challenge Week One

Several rides, several bicycles, most if not all items on the list  😀

Road Sign at Cheneyville, Illinois

Sort of a colorful tree

Nothing to do with the challenge
When we got down to the trees, a beaver was on the road, which quickly headed back to the North Fork
Beaver sightings are not common here

Colorful tree and Fire Hydrant

Pile of Leaves

Pile of Gravel

Vines climbing a wall

Deteriorating Brick Wall

Road Swag -- Slip Joint Pliers

Road Swag --  My kind of book . . .  Big print and lots of pictures

Road Swag -- a 'gently' used softball

Pink Whitney Bottle Cap

Coin on the road

Closer view -- been run over many times


Weed growing thru crack in pavement

Another example


Bent Sign


School Buses

Bullet Holes

Road Intersection Signs

Flattened Beer Can

Lots of Broken Stuff in There

Falling Down

Deteriorating Fence

Water Tower

Two Water Towers

Arched Doorway
Muntins in the windows

Deteriorating Fence

Neighbor fosters dogs (and cats) 
This White Dog in a new arrival




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