Some Pet Peeves


The wind can do some good things too  ;)
Sumboddies flwag is twangled all up!


Barking dogs every time you ride by

Wheel jamming drain grates

Broken glass in the street

Refuse containers that jump out of the way of incoming material

Discarded stuff in ditches

Loose gravel on a sealed road

That someone drug out of their drive

Patches of mud and rocks tracked onto the road and now compacted

Nice Ford Focus with damage that was never repaired

Very thick loose crushed stone where a repair was made

2 bicycles at JR's Recycling

And another

Bridge Graffiti 

Free Mountain Bicycle  -- not really a peeve -- hope someone can make use of it

Rusted out rocker panel

Bicycles left out in the weather

Throwing stuff in the North Fork

Cracks in the road that make for a bumpy ride

Tilted Road sign, Stop sign used for target practice

Here is one for Greg

"Limited Cleaning --- Use Appropriate Precautions"

As in , , , , that thicket behind the Garceau may be more appealing?


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