Range Line Road 6/17/22

 In an incredible change from hot and humid the last week, this morning was far cooler and way less humidity

Almost felt like a light jacket would feel good -- almost

But -- heat and humidity return with a vengeance next week :(

Met up with Dave, who, after a year's absence on the DL due to back issues

After a mostly successful back surgery he is able to ride once again!  :)

Le Tout awaits Dave's arrival

Stopped by Dwight's home to see if he might like to go along

No answer at the door

Illinois Route 1 is a segment of the Dixie Highway

The Chicago branch runs from there to Danville where it turns east into Indiana and then through various segments terminates at Miami, Florida

Milford "The Buckle on the Corn Belt" is 11 miles north

Chicago, 109 miles north -- far enough we escape the "Chicagoland" designation

Winter wheat nearing harvest time

Road descents into an outlet channel of glacial lake Watseka

One of several such channels that ultimately drained the lake trapped between ice to the north and a moraine here

Shed at a former sweet corn farm

Planter near the tree to the left, no doubt, planted a lot of sweet corn

Occasionally among the roadside weeds an asparagus plant appears.

A remnant of the time huge amounts of asparagus was grown here

The fields of corn and beans today contained thousands of asparagus plants then

Migrant labor performed the back-breaking work of harvesting

No machine has been successful in mechanical harvesting due to the typically soft/muddy fields when the asparagus is in its prime stage

Arrival at Range Line Road

This is where Grant Township to the east meets Butler Township to the west

Dave pedals south into the Great Corn Desert

Faintly, very faintly visible, is an anemometer which is the precursor to a new wind farm development

Tooooo close up of the anemometer

Remainder of the ride was pretty much like this:  corn, corn, corn, corn, soybeans, corn, corn, corn , , , ,


Le Tour arrives back at home after another "Schwinn Approved" flawless performance  ;)


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