Schwinn LeTour 3/20/21

Ever since my 1976 Schwinn Traveler was stolen I have been keeping an eye out for it -- that was in 1994.  Posted Wanted to Buy on Craigslist and hoping against hope after all these years someone would see the ad and respond. I was assuming that after all this time it may have changed hands and the current owner might be willing to part with it. No such luck.

This is a page from the 1977 Schwinn Catalog which shows the Traveler

Mine was a 25 inch frame and the serial number indicated it was made in 1976 but badged for 1977.  The colors and graphics are a match for the bicycle I had

Kept an eye on Craigslist and Facebook Market place since you never know what might show up. That eventually led to this:


Now, that isn't a Traveler, it is the next step up, a LeTour which is what I was going to buy in the first place. And, it is very similar with upgraded components.

Time to pull the trigger, 'cause this is unlikely to happen again.

Digressing just a bit: 

A mishap occurred the winter I was saving for the LeTour causing me to deplete my rat-hole-new-bicycle account by over one half.  That put a LeTour out of reach.

The following spring a Traveler was at the Schwinn Shop, it was less money, and a pretty OK bicycle for me. One piece cranks and somewhat lesser components but, .... meh, no big deal to me, and still isn't.  It was just fine and had it not been stolen, there is no question it would still be around today.

 We enjoyed many years until that night in September 1994.

Yes, it was locked in the garage, but someone 😢 forgot to lock a window which gave access to the thief. 


Could have used one of those back then!

No more Travelers in 1994, or LeTours for that matter, or even the original Schwinn.  They filed for bankruptcy in 1992 and were purchased at auction.

The Schwinn brand is still around but has no connection to its previous heritage.

Traveler was replaced by a Diamond Back crossover, and not long after a used Raleigh Olympian joined.  Both of which are in service to this day.

Fast forward to 2021 and the CL ad above appeared, the LeTour was previously owned by a person I knew, who sadly passed away, and was purchased at auction by the person who sold it to me.  (I had no idea he had the LeTour)

It appears to be a 1981 model. Schwinn was outsourcing then, and the LeTour was made by Panasonic in Japan.

Work is in progress to bring it back to its original condition. It wasn't abused at all, just the victim of benevolent neglect. Overall, it just needs some TLC.

The seller did mention it needed new tires.  😉

 A closer view from the CL post

Maybe a different saddle too 

 Max performing an initial approving Cat Scan
Original Schwinn wheels and Kenda K35 tires

Changed wheels and tires (Panasonic Pasela)


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