Cheneyville 9/23/20

South on 7th Street

 Fence at Land Fill could use some TLC 

 Land Fill entrance (click link for refuse tune ;)  )
Dwight coasts ahead
Never have we seen a bicycle coast like that one does
On even the slightest downhill it coasts right past us
I asked what his secret is -- "never touched those hubs in 20 some years" 

 Grain bins

After a Shriner-like circling, Dave decides we are going that way

Long abandoned corn crib
This one used wire to contain the corn -- most resembled a barn with gaps between the siding boards
Seldom, if ever, used these days
Old tractor now displayed in honor of its years of service

Grain bins -- older, smaller units on the left

Quarter mile ride west on IL Rt 9

This was to avoid a half mile of gravel Bill wrote about in 2011

Road into Cheneyville
Farmall Tractor
Short break -- remembering to photo the bicycles this time
One of the 3 Streets
Frog-eyed International Tractor
Interesting weathered tree roots

Been a while since you have seen a Dodge Lancer?

North Fork of the Vermilion River

Former entrance to the City Dump many years ago

Soybeans -- differing colors/different varieties?

Friendly Lab -- just curious

Sheep on lawn mowing duty

Roadside weeds

More weeds

Blue Morning Glories ?

Infinity Photo

Another beautiful morning and a great ride with Dave and Dwight


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