Bicycle Arches

Arch-like part of brake lever extension

Sidepull brake caliper arch

Arch in drop handle bar/arches in brake and derailer cables/brake lever arch
Cable arches to rear derailer
Front derailer resembles an arch
Arch-like pedal side plate
Front fork dropout arch
Arch shaped rear drop out and axle slot
Cantilever transverse cable, hanger, and fork arches

Sheldon Brown's spelling of derailer, since I cant'spell derailleur
And, if there is one chance in 100 in getting something incorrect, I can hit it every time!
So, some arches may be too liberal in interpretation, and others totally incorrect, or totally missed some arches that are present

Addendum:  Two of the Raleighs are near clones of one another -- one I believe was made by Raleigh of America, the other when RofA was owned by Huffy.
The Raleigh of America made one has subtle differences than the Huffy made one.
Here is an example I missed:
 Arch shaped brake bridge on one (Raleigh of America), the other Raleigh it is straight (when owned by Huffy)
Image from the Web


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