Misc Rides

Weather has not been cooperative this spring, wet, windy, cold, cold and windy, windy and wet, riding days have been limited.  Generally the same old loop routes south and west of town.  Easily accessible and most of the time winds from a southerly direction.
One of the nicer days resulted in a ride south and west to CSX railroad
Lots of wild asparagus along the right of way
At one time asparagus canning was a major activity of spring here
Remains of the asparagus grown in fields can now be found along various right of ways
Lots of lilacs around town -- fragrant cycling!
Lots of water in the North Fork is evidence of the rains
View south on 7th street  -- low ridge is a glacial moraine
Interesting sky over un-planted field
The houses in the distance are in the Prairie Meadows subdivion
Small boulders heaved up by frost action during the winter
Closer View
"15 minute rock collection"  All 3 Rock types can be found easily in many places
These are on a crest of the Ellis Moraine
Corn emerging in this field  -- only an inch high so not as visible as I hoped it would be
Raleigh arrives home, greeted by the beautiful blue tote
Sun behind a bank of alto stratus clouds -- ground glass appearance
Many times the harbinger of more rain as a warm front approaches
Low dark cloud deck -- view west 4000N Vermilion county Illinois
View NW same location
Threatening looking cloud mass  -- south 2nd Avenue looking NW
Cattle dont appear too concerned
A few sprinkles developed
Barely visible infant corn
View south 7th street -- previous photo field to the right
Western Flyer returns home from a sprinkle-shorted ride around the neighborhood
Seldom see 1938 Canadian pennies show up in change
 Same field as before, corn is growing fairly rapidly
2+ inches of rain have caused the North Fork to flood
View upstream, lots of Illinois' best on its way to the Gulf
North Fork to Vermilion to Wabash to Ohio to Mississippi to Gulf
Fairly moderate flooding -- NF is to the right banked by trees
Planted field  -- it should be ok as the water is receding
Flooding also deposited some rich soil here
Field to the east of the NF
Fairly swift current
Log wasn't here previously
Note how log is producing turbulence and 4 whirlpools
Muddy field
Last flood photo 😀
Flyer returns home just after tote has been emptied
Back out riding, wild mustard along a ditch
Fuzzy seed heads on grass
Closer view
Oh Boy 😝
County population of ~76,000 and less than 40 Covid 19 cases known
 Clearing skies
All in all some nice cycling on the Same-Ole routes


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