Raleigh #3

This is how the Raleigh appeared just after bringing it home

Raleigh 3 just after bringing it home -- should have taken a photo of it on the porch with all the other bicycles it was mixed in with.

A friend had seen it earlier and told me it was the Olympian model which struck my interest since I have 2 Olympians already -- this makes the 3rd -- all from around the mid 1980's

It appeared to be complete but in dire need of some TLC

The rear rack is somewhat unusual -- later found that this style rack was standard on Huffies in the mid 70's

Amazing it still has the original spoke reflectors as shown in the Raleigh Catalog
Lots of surface rust, but it turned out, that all it was

Toe clips and bottle cage indicate a serious cyclist must have owned this at one time

First order of business was a major clean up and new tires

Bar tape was hard as a rock -- to be discovered later was the stem stuck in the steerer BIG TIME stuck

Cleaning up rear changer and rim

Attention needed here  -- more surface rust and the paint was pretty much fried

The chain was badly rusted, but wire brushing and solvent brought it back nicely
A check with a chain wear indicator showed no wear at all!

Both changers were in perfect adjustment

Beginning to look a little better

Addressing the rear rack

Seat post after steel wool and silver paint

Paint looking pretty dead

Overhauling the bottom bracket
Lots of rubbing compound is beginning to bring back the paint

Taped over the existing tape 
For the most part polished and de-rusted

Old decals removed and paint rubbed out

Paint under decals was nearly perfect 

Deep scratches filled with gold paint

Stick-on lettering being arranged

Approximate original spacing for letters

Spacing the Olympian letters

The finished product
The handlebar tape has since been replaced with foam  -- which was OEM


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