
Showing posts from August, 2023

Random Rides in August

Schwinn Circuit at CSX railroad   Interesting Weed CT at a now channelized glacial lake outlet Utilities crossing the channel Bean field Frilly foliage along the channel Clouds and contrail remnant Water tower Roadside grasses Weed at CSX railroad Mushrooms Foxtail CT at CSX Rail cut and sky What Glyphosate will do to poison hemlock Mixtie back on the road 3 miles south of town Climbing vine Oddly yellow leaves Algae and Duckweed Raleigh at the "Steely's Creek" bridge over the North Fork Amazing amount of stuff along the side of the bridge deck At one point 12 nails were picked up and discarded before they found their way back to the traffic lane Just a green glass fragment and a little philips head screw in some sort of stud that broke off of something N Odd to find what appears to be a head bolt from a small engine near a discarded floss pick Kickapoo State Park KSP KSP KSP KSP KSP KSP KSP KSP Gnarled old tree at Cheneyville Church Planted in 1891??

Kickapoo Rained Out

 The best made plans as they say . . . . Rain was predicted for this morning but was supposed to be clear of the area by now Obviously, it wasn't CT was tucked away in the back of the Edge where unfortunately it would remain Blurry photo of a stop sign on the Middlefork Riveri I guess canoes and tubes are to not go beyond this point??? Grassy weeds and view blockers --- what a relief it is from corn and bean fields THAT is not a bicycle, it is a Ford Edge with a Schwinn inside Cypress trees -- had no idea they were this far north in Illinois High Wall of a former coal strip Very deep pond in a former coal strip Blue flowers Same pond different view direction No turtles on the log today Viewing dock and bench Pond scum and evidence of someone who puts the W in Recreation 22 million acres of prairie then down to 2500 acres of natural prairie today But -- we raise a hell of a lot of corn and soybeans  ;) View from a shelter waiting out the rain More pretty flowers Inland Sea thr...