General Ride(s) 8/14/21

 Took off this morning on the Raleigh for just a general ride around -- someplace . . . . Turns out I did the Conservation Club Loop ride.  Around 7 miles total

Following photos are from a stop at the North Fork of the Vermilion River just south of the Conservation Club.


Vegetation along the north bank of the stream.  The silvery leafed trees in the background are interesting

Raleigh at the North Fork

Looking west with soybeans at the upper right

Some sort of vine is creeping over the guard rail

Morning Glories
Some sort of vine-like weed
Looks pretty invasive like Kudzu, but it isnt Kudzu, too far north for that

View south (the way I came) up the back slope of a moraine

Raleigh about to continue north, then west and back to town


Later in the afternoon, a 3 mile ride, an out and back, produced the following number of mini booze bottles

Most common is the Fireball Cinnamon flavored whisky bottle

Kinky Pink??

Some sort of peppermint (schnapps?) bottle which had a bad encounter with a Cub Cadet lawn tractor

Neighbor lady was walking by as I took the photo and I just told her I was cleaning up after myself from last night  ;)

Riding west on CR 4000N


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