Earth Day Ride(s)
Preparing to plant the field with soybeans Rich black soil produced from glacial till and thousands of years of blue stem prairie grass vegetation, which added humus and produced the dark color First harvest of the season -- that pile of rocks wasn't there yesterday Boulders pushed to the surface from the glacial till below by freeze/thaw action during the winter They tend to do bad things to farm equipment Can you find the golf ball included in the mass of rocks? Some practice golf at the high school -- someone hit a good shot for it to land here View southwest toward the Hoopeston Wind Farm Green energy --- apropos for Earth Day Said to be able to produce 98MW, enough energy for 30,000 homes -- and the last several days, Ill bet it has been doing just that The black vehicle is on Illinois Route 1 -- a branch of the Dixie Highway running to Chicago North Fork of the Vermilion River Other forks are the Middle Fork and Salt Fork Doesn't qu...