
Showing posts from May, 2024

Zizzo @ Kennekuk 5-22-24


Rides Grasses and Weeds & Curious Deer

 Nothing out of the ordinary going on here --- same routes, different days, different bicycles. Just a few photos of roadside Vermilion County.  😁   Taken with my phone, and I can't see a thing I'm trying to take a photo of on the screen. >Looks for old Kodak 3400<

CC Loop

Raleigh  Right turn from CR 4200N on to CR 1700E View west North Fork bridge 1700E Some of Illinois' finest on its way to south where it will deposit silt in Lake Vermilion Raleigh at the North Fork CR 1700E Plants find life at the edge of the bridge deck Right turn on to CR 4000N from 1700E Line of trees along the North Fork - view NW Heading west on CR 4000N Field of Winter Wheat